Dear Readers and Listeners,
I am excited to present the ninth chapter of my serialized novel, SHE WANTS TO KILL. This chapter, titled "THE NOTE IS REAL," delves deeper into the mysterious occurrences surrounding Ravi.
In this episode, Ravi's unease escalates when he discovers a cryptic note on his desk, only to vanish and reappear mysteriously. The tension mounts as he shares his experience with his closest friend and colleague, Bikash. Bikash, ever rational, believes the note is a figment of Ravi's imagination, but Ravi remains convinced of its reality. Their discussion leads to a plan to confront the unknown sender at Prince Square. As Ravi grapples with his fears and the strange happenings, the boundary between reality and imagination blurs further.
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Also, for those looking to improve their English speaking skills, check out my training program, SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS. This program is designed to help you gain confidence and fluency in English through tailored lessons and interactive sessions.
Now, let's dive into Chapter 9 of SHE WANTS TO KILL. Happy reading and listening!
With love and warm regards,
Biswajit Banerjee

Listen to the full episode of OBSCURUS EPISODE 84 - SHE WANTS TO KILL - CHAPTER 09 - THE NOTE IS REAL.
INTRO 00:00:00
Welcome to OBSCURUS, your weekly dose of paranormal fiction. Every Wednesday OBSCURUS features new short stories and serialized novels written by novelist, screenwriter, and voice-over artist Biswajit Banerjee. The realm of the paranormal stretches far beyond the usual horror story. So, while you will get to listen to lots of ghost stories on this podcast, there will also be many tales of lesser-known paranormal themes. To get us started, here's your host Biswajit Banerjee.
HOST TALK 00:00:47
Welcome to another thrilling episode of OBSCURUS, where the shadows come to life and the unseen whisper secrets into the night. I'm your host, Biswajit Banerjee, and tonight, we continue our journey into the dark and mysterious world of our serialized novel, 'SHE WANTS TO KILL.' Get ready to be drawn into a world of suspense and mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
In our previous episode, we saw Ravi struggling to come to terms with the haunting note that mysteriously appeared on his desk. The tension escalated as he wrestled with the possibility of the bloodless girl's existence and the eerie message's implications. Bikash's skepticism only added to the complexity, making Ravi question his sanity.
Tonight, in Chapter 9, 'The Note is Real,' Ravi's ordeal deepens. As he confides in Bikash, we witness a compelling exchange that challenges Ravi's beliefs and sanity. The note's disappearance and reappearance add another layer of intrigue, leaving us to wonder whether Ravi's experiences are rooted in reality or are mere figments of his imagination. The suspense builds as Ravi and Bikash decide to investigate the mysterious message's origin at Prince Square.
Before we dive into this gripping chapter, please visit our websites, and, for more exciting content and updates. Remember to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you'll find exclusive behind-the-scenes content, interviews, and more. We are also excited to announce that we will soon be on Patreon and other portals where you can support our creative endeavors. Your support will help us bring you more thrilling episodes, so please consider becoming a patron.
Also, for those looking to improve their English speaking skills, check out my interactive training program, SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS. This program is designed to help you gain confidence and fluency in English through tailored lessons and engaging sessions, making your learning journey enjoyable and effective.
Now, let's dive into Chapter 9 of 'SHE WANTS TO KILL' – 'The Note is Real.' Get ready to be drawn deeper into Ravi's harrowing journey as he navigates the fine line between reality and the supernatural.
Enjoy the episode!
Written and Performed by Biswajit Banerjee

Ravi immediately dialed Bikash's extension number on the telecom.
"Yes, Ravi," Bikash responded promptly.
"Could you come over to my cabin, Bikash?"
"Right now?"
"Yes, right now. It's urgent."
"What's the matter? You sound so tense."
"Come over, I will tell you."
"But Mr. Jacobs wants me to prepare a field report immediately."
"Your field report can wait, Bikash; there is something urgent that I need to discuss."
"Okay, I shall be right there."
In a matter of minutes, Bikash was in Ravi's chamber. Ravi narrated everything that had happened since he had discovered the note on his table.
"Would you still say that the bloodless girl is an illusion?" Ravi asked.
"Ravi, we cannot jump to conclusions," Bikash observed.
"How do you explain the cameras going blank in this part of the building?"
"The cameras didn't go blank, Ravi. They are not working, that's all. There must be some technical reason."
"So you still insist that I am hallucinating; perhaps I should have known you would never be convinced."
"I am not insisting on anything, Ravi," Bikash said, "I am simply talking about possibilities."
"Do you also consider the possibility that the bloodless girl could be real?"
"That question is not important now, Ravi."
"That is the only question that's important now, Bikash," Ravi raised his voice, "for if she is real, which I believe she is, then I wouldn't be around for long."
"Don't say such things, for God's sake," Bikash said loudly. We hardly have enough data to arrive at a conclusion. However, one possibility is ruled out. You wouldn't be convinced, but I believe it is my responsibility as a friend to tell you the truth. That girl, I mean the bloodless girl, is not real."
"But who can write such a note?"
"I have no idea. It could be a prank."
"Who would play such a prank, Bikash?"
"I wish I had the answer, Ravi. By the way, you haven't shown me the note yet. Where is it?"
"It is in the drawer," Ravi replied, pointing at the topmost drawer of the cabinet under the table on which his computer monitor was placed.
"Let me have a look."
Ravi opened the drawer and looked through the papers but couldn't see the note. He looked for it again, but there was no trace of it.
"I kept it here, but I can't see it now," Ravi said, quickly rechecking his papers.
"Take it easy. Would you want me to look for it?"
"You can."
Bikash went over to Ravi's side and looked for the note but couldn't find it.
"Are you sure you kept it here?"
"I am one hundred percent sure."
"Nothing of the sort seems to be here," Bikash said again, looking through the papers in the drawer.
"It might have fallen from some opening at the rear of the drawer," Ravi said.
"I am afraid there is no such opening at the rear of the drawer."
"I am puzzled."
"You might have kept it somewhere else or…" Bikash responded as he walked back to the chair across Ravi's table where he was sitting.
"No, no, I kept it there. I am very sure of it."
"But it's not there, Ravi," Bikash said as he pulled the chair and sat down.
"Hey, wait a minute," reacted Ravi, his voice tinged with disbelief, "are you trying to tell me that there was no note and I dreamed the whole thing?"
"I never said that."
"But you think so, Bikash, don't you?"
"I haven't formed an opinion on it."
"Go ahead and form an opinion then," Ravi said, "and tell me what you think. I am sure you believe that the note was also a figment of my imagination just the way every damn thing that comes my way is…"
"Please, Ravi," Bikash kept his composure, "I do not think we should attach so much importance to that note. Maybe you received such a note, or maybe you didn't. Regardless of whether you received the note, the best action would be to ignore it. It would be foolhardy to take the note's message seriously even if you received it."
"So you have made your views very clear, Bikash." What could be described as a smile of self-pity came over Ravi's lips. "You do think that there was no note, and I just hallucinated it?"
"When did I ever say that, Ravi?"
"Why are you being a hypocrite, Bikash? That's exactly what you believe."
"Yes, that's what I believe, Ravi," Bikash's voice rose, his conviction palpable, "and that's what you should believe too, for that is the truth. There was no note lying on your table. The note was there in your mind. And I shall prove it to you today that all the damn things that are coming your way – the bloodless girl, the note, and whatnot – all those things are simply in your mind and have no real existence."
Ravi found his temper subdued at Bikash's sudden outburst. He meekly listened as Bikash explained, his words carrying a weight that Ravi couldn't ignore. Bikash's purpose became clear: to prove to Ravi that the mysterious occurrences were simply figments of his imagination.
"Now, according to you, the message that the note carried was 'Be at Prince Square at 6:30 PM today,'" Bikash continued, "isn't it? Now, if you really received that message and it came from someone serious about your presence at Prince Square at 6:30 PM today, then something meaningful to you should happen at Prince Square around that time. God knows what will happen there – the appearance of the bloodless girl, the delivery of another message, the appearance of Angel Gabriel with a message of God for you – the possibilities are endless. But something should happen. Whatever happens, must make itself felt to you; otherwise, there would be little use in its happening. And if the person or entity, whatever it is, that generated the message sincerely wants the event to happen at Prince Square at 6:30 PM, then it is that entity's responsibility to ensure that you get to feel the event. So, I will take you to Prince Square at 6:30 PM today to see what happens. If something significant happens, you will have good grounds to prove that your experiences are true and that you are not hallucinating. On the other hand, if nothing happens, then my arguments will stand substantiated."
"I do not think that is a good way to reason things. What if the event doesn't happen because of your presence?"
"Why do you think my presence should affect the event? Although Prince Square is not a busy crossing, you would find sizeable traffic over there at all times of the day. And at 6:30 PM, you would appreciate, the traffic swells as that is time for people to return to their homes from work. I am sure the entity must be aware of these fundamental facts. If the presence of other people is unlikely to affect the occurrence of the event, why should my presence matter?"
Ravi saw the logic in Bikash's argument and nodded. However, soon, he found another line of reasoning.
"What if the event is meant just for my eyes?" Ravi said, "It is possible that only I will see it and nobody else. Say, I see the bloodless girl, and you don't just because it is programmed to be that way. Will it be right on our part to conclude that nothing happened?"
"No matter what I say or do, Ravi," a look of frustration came over Bikash, "you will always find a way to force your points through. So what do you propose? Are we going to Prince Square in the evening or not?"
"I think we should go," Ravi replied after some thought, "but we should refrain from jumping to conclusions."
"Right then, we will be there in the evening."
After Bikash left, Ravi thought about the note again and how it was placed on his table when he returned to his cabin. Did Bikash have a point, he wondered. Could the note be a hallucination? If it was real, where did it disappear? The fact that the note was to be found nowhere strengthened Bikash's arguments. Maybe he should shun his obstinacy and think from Bikash's angle. As his cogitations continued, his eyes fell on a small piece of paper close to the leg of his table. It looked familiar. "Oh, that's the note," he said to himself. He picked it up. Indeed, it was the note. So, it was not a hallucination after all. Or was it? Could it be that he was still hallucinating? He took a close look at the note. The message was clear - 'Be at Prince Square at 6:30 PM today.' Ravi placed the note under a paperweight on the table. He kept looking at it for a while. Then Ravi reminded himself of what he thought he should be doing when confronted with troubles of this nature last night. Time was ripe for making another autosuggestion – he ought to autosuggest to himself that the note did not exist. If that bit of paper were a hallucination, it would disappear if he correctly employed the technique of autosuggestion.
"This note simply does not exist; it is nothing but a construct of my mind," he said.
The note, however, didn't dematerialize. Perhaps Ravi should close his eyes while making the autosuggestion, he reasoned.
"This note simply does not exist; it is nothing but a construct of my mind," Ravi now said with his eyes closed.
He opened his eyes to find the note still there. Ravi closed his eyes again and repeated the autosuggestion as though it was some mantra. And just like a mantra, it did have a calming effect on his mind. After a while, he began to believe there was no note on the table. Shortly, he was almost convinced that the note wasn't there. With the confidence that he wouldn't see it there, Ravi opened his eyes. But the piece of paper was very much there with its message.
"No, this can't be a hallucination; this is real," he whispered.
Ravi picked up the paper and placed it in the chest pocket of his shirt. He had to show it to Bikash and prove to him, at least in the context of that note, that he had not hallucinated.
And that, dear listeners, was Chapter 9 of 'SHE WANTS TO KILL,' titled 'The Note is Real.' As Ravi grapples with the mysterious note and Bikash's skepticism, we find ourselves questioning the nature of reality and the extent of Ravi's torment. The note's puzzling disappearance and reappearance only deepen the mystery, leaving us eager to discover what awaits them at Prince Square.
As we journey forward, brace yourselves for more spine-chilling encounters and unforeseen twists that will keep you perched on the edge of your seat. The conflict between Ravi's perceived reality and the supernatural forces he confronts is reaching a fever pitch, promising a wealth of suspense and intrigue in the upcoming chapters. The anticipation for what's next is sure to keep you hooked.
Don't forget to visit our websites for updates and additional content, and make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Your support on Patreon is not just a contribution, it's an investment in the future of suspense and mystery storytelling. Also, check out my training program, SPOKEN ENGLISH FOR NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS, designed to help you gain confidence and fluency in English. Your role in this journey is invaluable, and we're grateful for your support.
Thank you for joining me on this eerie adventure. Until next time, keep your senses sharp and your lights dim, for the shadows are never far away. Stay curious, stay cautious, and always be ready for the unexpected.
Following my talk, enjoy the thematic music for this episode titled 'After the Body has Fallen Off,' an AI-assisted musical composition by me. The AI, a tool I use to enhance my creative process, helped me craft a piece that perfectly encapsulates the episode's eerie and unsettling atmosphere. As Ravi grapples with his ghostly encounters and the chilling presence of the bloodless girl, the haunting melodies of this composition underscore the tension and fear that permeate his experiences. The music enhances the narrative by reflecting Ravi's inner turmoil and the persistent sense of dread that defines his journey. This piece is an auditory embodiment of the episode's suspenseful and mysterious themes. This is Biswajit Banerjee signing off.
OUTRO 00:24:43
Thanks for listening to OBSCURUS. If you like what you heard, please subscribe and visit for more information about Biswajit's books, movies, documentaries, and other creative pursuits. We shall see you next Wednesday with another episode of OBSCURUS. Till then, take care!