Biswajit Banerjee is a prolific creative who has explored numerous art forms, including writing and podcasting. He has composed music using artificial intelligence (AI) to create compelling melodies that have captivated listeners around the world. Besides, he has directed documentary films that explore life's mysteries and showcase the diversity of cultures. This page will give viewers a glimpse into the fascinating world of Banerjee's creative pursuits. Banerjee has truly pushed the boundaries of creativity and continuously seeks new avenues to explore.

Biswajit Banerjee offers helpful advice on life skills, such as handling stress and anxiety, setting goals and achieving them, self-care tips, and more. He also provides inspiring words of wisdom through his poetry readings. Additionally, he creates beautiful musical compositions that can motivate and uplift the listener. With various topics available, Biswajit Banerjee's videos have something for everyone. His content is sure to provide guidance and comfort in times of difficulty and spark joy and entertainment. So follow him today and embark on an amazing journey!
Biswajit Banerjee, writer and podcaster, explains why he writes paranormal fiction. Amongst other things, Biswajit talks about his writing being a quest for him to unearth the secrets of the universe. Paranormal fiction is not just about ghosts and spirits. It is much more than that - it is an exploration of existence itself.
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Biswajit Banerjee's musical composition, A Fairy Walks the Street, is inspired by his childhood memories of the streets of Calcutta. It is a dreamy, magical piece that reflects the beauty and nostalgia of the city. 'Fairy' could mean anything - a mystical creature, an apparition, a lovely lady, or perhaps a distant memory. The musical composition is filled with a gentle melody and lush orchestration that evoke a feeling of nostalgia for the city streets. The dreamlike soundscape created by Banerjee captures the innocence and magic of childhood memories. A Fairy Walks the Street is a beautiful tribute to his beloved home city of Calcutta. The musical composition is a wonderful reminder to cherish childhood memories' beauty and appreciate the moments that make up our lives.
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Biswajit Banerjee’s musical composition, AND I AM FREE, is a powerful celebration of personal freedom. The composition expresses a strong sense of self-determination and individualism, encouraging listeners to be unafraid of taking risks and embracing life on their terms. It is a call for everyone to break free from whatever binds them and reach for their dreams without hesitation. Through this uplifting anthem, Biswajit Banerjee encourages us to strive for our ultimate potential and soar as far as possible.
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Biswajit Banerjee's musical composition titled ASCENSION is a journey through the celestial realms of beauty and sound. It begins with a dreamy ambient backdrop evoking a sense of movement from the lower to the higher planes. From here, the music ascends into a majestic mood that swells in intensity as it peaks before fading into tranquil silence. As the piece progresses, each sonic element layered upon each other creates an ever-evolving symphony of colors and textures. The overall effect is uplifting and inspiring; it captures the feeling of transcending boundaries and being truly alive. ASCENSION allows listeners to reach beyond their physical world and experience something special. Whether it's a moment of inner reflection or a journey of spiritual growth, the music of Biswajit Banerjee provides an exquisite soundtrack for any soulful journey.
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Biswajit Banerjee’s musical composition, A LARGER DREAM, is a dive into the possibility that what we reckon as reality may be a larger dream. Who is dreaming this larger dream? It could be some ethereal entity operating from an invisible dimension, or it could even be a person who deems this dreamy sequence as reality. One cannot tell what is the truth; if there is anything such as a truth, that is. One may be the dreamer oneself or just a character of the ethereal entity’s dreamy sequence. Someday the larger dream may break. What will happen then? Well, talking from the dreamer’s perspective alone, she may mingle into nothingness in sync with the fate of her dream’s characters, or she may realize what appeared to be an actual world was merely a dimension concocted by her imaginative mind. A LARGER DREAM is like an airy ride through this possibility. The rapidly changing moods through the swift transition of scales give the listener a feeling of traversing through the dreamscape of a fertile mind.
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A doubtless mind in the material sphere, unless one has experienced the truth in an infallible way, is of little value. The way to union with God, many scholars believe, runs through a mind that doubts the existence of God. Those who are still more thoughtful might question their own existence. What they say and believe may be of no consequence to the commoners who only reckon dealing with the grind of life as the ultimate goal. But for the thinking mind, these doubts, which may be likened to the clouds in mind, are the seeds for the dawn of an experiential or intuitive truth. Sometimes, the clouds of a thinking mind act more as clutter and less as fuel for more substantive ideas. When they act as clutter, they often afflict the process of cogitation with darkness and lack of clarity. While the clutter may not always lead to clarity, it is characteristic of a thinking mind. So, these clouds, which sometimes act as constructive and sometimes as destructive facets of the thought process, are more likely to be found in a seeker than in one who finds joy in the entropy life offers. Through the piece 'Clouds of a Thinking Mind,' Biswajit Banerjee has attempted to give these clouds a musical landscape. This musical piece's rapidly changing high and low beats will take you through the crests and troughs of a thinking mind.
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बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी, लेखक एवं पॉडकास्टर, यह समझा रहें हैं कि वे पैरानॉर्मल फिक्शन क्यों लिखते हैं। उनका कहना हैं कि पैरानॉर्मल फिक्शन जीवन, मृत्यु, आध्यात्मिकता, एवं विज्ञानं के रहस्यों को खोलने का एक माध्यम हैं। ब्रह्मांड के अनेको रहस्यों का अध्ययन एवं उनसे जुड़ी घटनाओ के विश्लेषण से बहुत से कठिन प्रश्नो का उत्तर मिल सकता हैं - ऐसा बिस्वजीत का मानना हैं। बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी के वेबसाइट पर जाएं: https://www.biswajitbanerjee.com/ उनके Amazon Author's page पर जाएं: https://www.amazon.com/author/biswajitbanerjeepage बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी का पॉडकास्ट Obscurus सुनें: https://obscurus.buzzsprout.com/
Biswajit Banerjee's musical composition titled BRAVING THIS, BRAVING THAT, is a tribute to the philosopher whose worldview is greatly at variance with those of her fellow beings. While she is fixated on existentialism, Zeno's paradoxes, Schrodinger's Cat, Möbius strip, the infinite, and the infinitesimal, the ones around her are obsessed with the mere gratification of their petty senses.
Yet the philosopher partakes in worldly trivialities to be in sync with the community norms. More often than not, such participation drains her of her creative energies. Add to this predicament the pain of not being understood by fellow beings. BRAVING THIS, BRAVING THAT, is a musical representation of how the philosopher deals with such regular ordeals presented to her by the world.
The swiftly changing moods of the fast-paced music with occasional periods of lull are musical graphs of the philosopher's mental waves that help her deal with the daily grind of the material world.
Visit my website: https://www.biswajitbanerjee.com/ Visit my Amazon Author's page: https://www.amazon.com/author/biswajitbanerjeepage Visit my podcast website: https://obscurus.buzzsprout.com/
लेखक एवं पॉडकास्टर बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी बताते हैं कि कैसे अविरल लेखन के प्रक्रिया से उन्हें कहानियाँ गढ़ने में सहायता मिलती है। एक अविरल लेखक के रूप में, वह अपनी लिखी कृति के पहले पाठक हैं एवं जैसे जैसे यह कहानियों उनके लैपटॉप पर आकार लेती हैं, वह उन्हें साथ-साथ पढ़ने का आनंद लेते हैं। बिस्वजीत एक अपरिकल्पित अथवा अनप्लॉटेड कहानी लिखने की प्रसन्नता एवं एक कहानी को स्वयं गढ़ते हुए देखने की असीम संतुष्टि के बारे में बताते हैं। यद्दपि, यदि कहानी लिखते समय कुछ कथानक बिंदु उनके मस्तिष्क में उभरते हैं एवं किसी कारण के चलते एक अवचेतन मांग होती है कि वे कथानक बिंदु कहानी का अंश बने, तो वह अपनी कहानी को उन कथानक बिंदुओं के माध्यम से आगे बढ़ने से रोकने के लिए स्वयं को विवश नहीं करते है केवल इस लिए कि वह एक अविरल लेखक हैं। स्पष्ट एवं सरल शब्दों में कहें तो एक लेखक को अपनी कला में पूर्ण स्वतंत्रता होनी चाहिए एवं प्रत्येक कहानीकार को अपनी स्वाभाविक शैली का सम्मान करना चाहिए।
बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी के वेबसाइट पर जाएं: https://www.biswajitbanerjee.com/
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बिस्वजीत बैनर्जी का पॉडकास्ट Obscurus सुनें: https://obscurus.buzzsprout.com/